Hi, there! Since I acquired some new books recently, I thought it'd be nice to share them with you today 😉 Here we go! None of those books are new releases, but one of them is a sequel I've been looking forward to for a long time ❤
The first book I'd like to talk about is Looking for Alaska by John Green. This book was recommended to me by an employee of my local bookstore. To be honest, I already bought this book a while ago and so far I wasn't particularly interested in picking it up which is why it still looks brand new 😇 According to the description, Looking for Alaska is about Miles Halter whose whole life has been one big non-event, until he meets Alaska Young. After that, nothing can ever be the same again. Well, ... I can wholeheartedly say that I adored The Fault In Our Stars, but I'm not sure about this one since I didn't like Paper Towns either. I'm not much of a contemporary reader unless it deals with a topic I'm interested in and this one doesn't sound too appealing to me. So we'll see whether I decide to pick it up or not ...
Book Haul 💗 |
Apart from that, I bought Girl Online by Zoe Sugg in the bookstore this month. It's a teenage story based on Zoe's own life as a blogger and youtuber. I was aware that Girl Online got really bad reviews. However, I love Zoe and her channel and I was curious since one of the people whose opinions I trust most on BookTube said she liked the message behind it. Therefore, I decided to give it a go anticipating a story that'd help me learn more about people who suffer from anxiety and panic attacks. Having read the first couple of chapters, I can say the first chapter was gruesome, but then it got better ... Girl Online started living up to my expectations and I hope it will continue to do so ✌
Finally, I'm going to talk about Golden Son by Pierce Brown and A Torch Against The Night by Sabaa Tahir. Both are sequels and I'm really excited to get to them soon since Red Rising and An Ember In The Ashes are two remarkable books that belong to my favourite books of all time 💗
Golden Son is the sequel to Red Rising which I finished in the beginning of January. It was so good. I can't wait to see what happens next! However, I'm slightly nervous about this because I already know there will be a lot of character deaths and the ending of Golden Son got other readers really upset 😨 ... Still, I'm pretty sure it's phenomenal and I'll be posting a book review on Red Rising soon so watch out 😌
A Torch Against The Night is the sequel to An Ember In The Ashes and I seriously can't believe that I haven't read it yet. It came out last year and it was one of the books I was most excited for in 2016, BUT for whatever reason I only bought it this week 🙍 *shame* I finished An Ember In The Ashes last summer and it was phenomenal, it was brilliant, it was everything I had been looking for ever since I finished the Harry Potter series so ... you get the point! It's one of my favourite books of all time and I can't wait to see whether Elias and Laia manage to succeed or not ... Hopefully, this one will even be better than An Ember In The Ashes and I'll most certainly review this series on this blog 😍
So much for my first book haul. I hope you liked it. If you have any further recommendations or in case you've read any of the books I talked about in this book haul, let me know what you thought in the comments down below - no spoilers, please 😇 I wish you all a wonderful day and I'll be back with a new post on Sunday ❤