Travelling to: The Holy Land

February 26, 2017

Shalom and welcome to Israel 🎆 I know I haven't blogged in a while and I'm very sorry for that, but from now on I'll try to stick to my weekly schedule 😳 To get back into the blogging routine I though it'd be a nice idea to share some of my favourite places and memories from my trip to the Holy Land two years ago. So hear we go and I hope you enjoy!


Bahai Gardens

El-Jazzar-Mosque (white mosque) of Acre 
Underground Prisoners' Museum (Acre)

Arab district of Jerusalem
city walls of Jerusalem
Al-Aqsa mosque
The Wailing Wall
praying women

praying men
streets of Jerusalem

streets of Jerusalem
Church of the Resurrection
streets of Bethlehem
Mosque of Omar (Bethlehem)
Mosque of Omar

Church of Nativity (inside/ courtyard)
streets of Bethlehem

For me travelling to the Holy Land was one of the most exciting and moving experiences of my life and there's still so much more to see. I hope I'll get the chance to go back one day and explore more of this fascinating, beautiful country. Have you been to the Holy Land, yet? If so, what are your favourite places? If not, where would you like to go? Let me know in the comments down below since I'd love to read from you and I'll be back with a new post next Sunday. I wish you all a wonderful day ❤ 

Love, Sarah

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