The Gilmore Girls Tag

November 11, 2016

Can you believe it's only two more weeks until we can finally watch the Gilmore Girls revival on Netflix? Well, I can't but I'm super excited! Gilmore Girls is one of those series that stick with you, no matter old you are. Looking back - I think watching Gilmore Girls throughout my teenage years has not only been a lot of fun, but also shaped me to become the person I am today. Oh dear, I just can't help but get a little nostalgic when it comes to Gilmore Girls - so, sorry for that ^^
As you may guess by now, words can't nearly describe how much I love this series and I'm so happy we get to see where our favorite girls ended up after Season 7. So, in pleasant anticipation for "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life", I decided I wanna do the Gilmore Girls Tag <3
This tag was created by Sophie over at who kindly tagged everyone who wants to do this tag. So thank you Sophie and without further ado, let's get started!

What was your first introduction to Gilmore Girls?

I came across Gilmore Girls in my teenage years when I was probably fourteen or fifteen. I remember sitting in front of the TV after having done my homework and there it was - the first Gilmore Girls trailer on German television. At first, I was kind of skeptical to watch it, since I though I wouldn't like it for some reason. However, after giving a random episode in Season 1 a shot, I was hooked.

Who is your favorite character and why?

Hmm ... that's a really hard question. I love all the characters equally of course, but Lorelai Gilmore is just one of the most iconic characters that have ever been written for television. She's impulsive, witty, totally crazy ... Let's be honest - there's no one like her. I think I always admired her confidence. No matter what card life had up her sleeve, she faced it with courage and always stayed true to herself.

Are you on Team Jess, Dean or Logan? Why?

This might be an unpopular opinion, but Team Logan all the way! I know a lot of people favour Jess, but I don't really get that. I mean, Dean was good for starters. However,  he just wasn't right for Rory. He's a small town guy all the way and he's never been able to keep up with her.
And Jess ... Well, Jess ... I mean, he was kind of the bad boy from the start. He was new in town, had a difficult childhood, felt always misunderstood and everything - a real stereotype. It's not that I don't like Jess, but he was an awful boyfriend for Rory. He was unpredictable, couldn't really open up to her and in the end he messed it all up because he couldn't handle himself. At least, - unlike Dean - he was as smart as Rory and that was good.
Logan, however ... Logan <3 <3 <3 I think Logan is the perfect mix between Dean and Jess. I mean, he's handsome, he's charming, he's intelligent and well-read - the perfect man for Rory (!) - at least in my opinion. Yes, he was an idiot when they met, but he came around and unlike Jess he did quite a good job as a boyfriend for most of the time and he really cared for Rory (leaving out the part about the bridesmaids of course, but hey, nobody's perfect ...). I still don't get how she could turn down his proposal. I would marry him straight away - that's for sure :-D

How many of the books have you read from Rory's reading list?


Would you rather; only be allowed to drink coffee, or never be able to eat Pop Tarts again?

That's easy! I would happily to do without Pop Tarts. (P.S.: I don't like coffee anyway - it's so bitter!)

Who is your least favourite character?

Hmm ... that's hard. I guess I'll have to go with Taylor Doose since he's annoying most of the time (but he's still funny!) I also don't like Kirk sometimes, but he's still more likable than Taylor ... such a hard question ...

Are you on Team Luke, or Team Christopher?

Team Luke! Even though I don't like how Luke treats Lorelai in Season 6, Christopher lost his place in my heart, when Sherry got pregnant and he left Lorelai and Rory to marry her. How, Christopher? How could you do that?

If you went to Stars Hollow, where would you most like to visit?

Oh my God, everywhere! I guess I would start with breakfast at Luke's, go for a little walk around the town, stop for lunch at the Dragonfly Inn and visit Kim's antiques in the afternoon. Oh, and the black and white cinema in the evening and I would definitely need to try some ice-cream at Taylor's old-fashioned Soda Shoppe!

What would you steal from the Gilmore Girls set?

Paul Anka. He's just the cutest dog in the entire world <3

Finally, what do you hope happens in the revival?

Well, I hope Luke and Lorelai are still together. Let's see if Lorelai finally managed to drag him to the altar ^^ Besides that, I am curious to see how the dynamic between Emily and Lorelai changes now that poor Richard passed away and whether Rory is happy with how her life/ her career turned out.

I tag ...

... all the Gilmore Girls lovers out there and if you would like to share your thoughts about Gilmore Girls in the comments, I would love to read from you :) 

Love, Sarah

P.S.: Don't forget to watch "Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life" airing 25th November on Netflix!

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